Get ready to master the art of raising pastured meat chickens! In this 31-lesson online course with seasoned dietitian & homesteader, Katie Krejci, you’ll learn the ins and outs of everything that you need to know from ordering the right kind of chicks and supplies to learning how to butcher them humanely.
Katie’s been raising pastured meat chickens since 2016 and breaks down the process into an actionable framework that you can customize and apply to your own needs to achieve a dependable source of nutritious, homegrown meat.
Key modules include:
- Module 1: Order Your Chicks (84 minutes)
- Module 2: Build the Infrastructure (48 minutes)
- Module 3: Gather Feed and supplies (65 minutes)
- Module 4: Care in the Brooder (22 minutes)
- Module 5: Care Out on Pasture (30 minutes)
- Module 6: Processing day (55 minutes)
BONUS videos:
- #1: How to Butcher a Layer Rooster or Retired Hen for Soup (plus, a recipe! 23 minutes)
- #2: Interview with Jack McCann from TC Farm about his 10+ years experience raising all kinds of pastured meat birds (27 minutes)
- #3: Week-by-Week Development of Red Rangers (9 minutes)
By the end of this course, you’ll confidently be able to raise your own meat chickens for you and your family and be well on your way to becoming more self-sufficient.
Let’s do this!